REFEREED Publications
Recent refereed (OMAE/EWTEC) proceedings/chapters on wave-ship, flooding and wave-energy dynamics
- Kalogirou A; Bokhove O; Ham D (2017) Modelling of nonlinear wave-buoy dynamics using constrained variational methods Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, doi:10.1115/OMAE2017-61966
- Kalogirou A; Bokhove O (2016) Mathematical and numerical modelling of wave impact on wave-energy buoys Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, doi:10.1115/OMAE2016-54937
- Presentation at workshop in Vienna 2017 with work-to-date on slide 5: On variational water wave modeling —with buoys/symmetric ships, including dates and links.
- O.B., Anna Kalogirou, David Henry, Gareth Thomas 2019:
A novel rogue-wave-energy device with wave amplification and induction actuator.
In: 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2019, Napoli, Italy.
EWTEC2019, refereed.
- O.B. 2021:
- On communicating cost-effectiveness of flood-mitigation schemes. Angers, France.
ESREL conference proceedings 8pp, www ESREL
- J. Bolton, O.B., D. Borman, A. Kalogirou, H. Thompson 2021:
- Towards optimization of a wave-to-wire energy device in a breakwater contraction. EWTEC2021 conference proceedings. Plymouth Sept. 10pp. Revision submitted.
- Kelmanson, O.B., Kent, Hicks 2021:
- Flood mitigation: from outreach demonstrator to a graphical cost-effectiveness diagnostic for policy makers. (UK Research Excellence Framework --essentially a burocratic check whether maths is or can be useful at all in society) REF2021 Impact Case Study. 5pp. (Our critical work is not well-received in the UK but was used by local businesses in Leeds and in the EU --such that it ``feels'' like Brexit all over again).
- O.B. 2022:
- Variational water-wave modeling: from deep water to beaches.
Written book chapter in press. Mathematics of Marine Modeling. Springer. Eds. Deleersnijder, Heemink and Schuttelaars.
Springer link
- B, Kelmanson, Hicks, Kent 2021/2022:
- Impact Case Study "Flood mitigation: from outreach demonstrator to a graphical cost-effectiveness diagnostic for policy makers".
OB, Kelmanson, Piton, Tacnet 2024:
- Visualising Flood Frequency, Flood Volume and Mitigation of Extreme Events.
In press. Springer volume "UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics", impact case rewritten and expanded for accessibility.
6pp. Preprints: researchgate and my www
- Rehman, Bokhove, Kelmanson 2023:
- A systematic approach for developing a numerical wavetank to simulate driven shallow- and deep-water waves. Conf. Ocean, Offshore Arctic Eng. OMAE 2023a, 10pp. weblink
- Rehman, Bunnik, Bokhove, Kelmanson 2023:
- Experimental modelling of water-wave interactions with a beam. Conf. Ocean, Offshore Arctic Eng. OMAE 2023b, 10pp.
weblink (Extension Earth Arxived).
- Bokhove, O. , Bolton, J. and Thompson, H. 2024:
- Geometric power optimisation of a rogue-wave energy device in a (breakwater) contraction. In: 2024 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). 8th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA 2024), 21-23 Aug 2024, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. IEEE ISBN 979-8-3503-7095-9
- Bokhove, O. and Thompson, H. 2024:
- Power optimisation of a rogue-wave energy device in a contraction. Preprint-IEEE paper: Preprint, 8pp
- 66. Rehman W., Bunnik T., Bokhove O., Kelmanson M. 2024:
- Experimental Modelling of Water-Wave Interactions with a Flexible Beam [Version 1; peer review: 2 approved].
Open Res Europe 4:229. Link and
GitHub page
- 65. Choi, Kalogirou, Lu, Bokhove, Kelmanson 2024:
- A study of extreme water waves using a hierarchy of models based on potential-flow theory. Water Waves 6, 225-227.
Main GitHub J. Choi and
- 64. Knotters, O.B., Lamb, Poortvliet 2024:
- How to cope with uncertainty monsters in flood risk management? Water Prisms.
- 63. J. Choi, O.B., A. Kalogirou, M.A. Kelmanson 2022:
- Numerical experiments on extreme waves through oblique soliton interactions. Water Waves 4. Archived EarthArxiv and
GitHub page J. Choi
- 62. L. Cantarello, O.B. S. Tobias 2022:
- An idealized 1.5-layer isentropic model with convection and precipitation for satellite data assimilation research. Part I: model dynamics. link J. Atmos. Sci. EarthArxiv
- 61. O.B., L. Cantarello, S. Tobias 2022:
- An idealized 1.5-layer isentropic model with convection and precipitation for satellite data assimilation research. Part II: model derivation. link J. Atmos. Sci. EarthArxiv
- 60. O.B., Anna Kalogirou, David Henry, Gareth Thomas 2020:
- A novel rogue-wave-energy device with wave amplification and induction actuator.
International Marine Energy Journal 30, 37-43. IMEJ
- 59. O.B., Tiffany Hicks, Wout Zweers, Tom Kent 2020:
Wetropolis extreme rainfall and flood demonstrator: from mathematical design to outreach and research.
EarthArxiv 2019 & GitHub design link.
- Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, 2483-2503. HESS.
- 58. O.B., Mark Kelmanson, Tom Kent, Giullaume Piton, Jean-Marc Tacnet 2020:
- A cost-effectiveness protocol for flood-mitigation plans based on Leeds’ Boxing Day 2015 floods
Water 12(3), 652. MDPI and
- O.B., Mark Kelmanson, Tom Kent 2018a:
On using flood-excess volume in flood mitigation, exemplified for the River Aire Boxing Day Flood of 2015. 2x rejected evidence-synthesis (ie accessible also to decision-makers) article to Proc. Roy. Soc. A. July 2018
(was actually incorrectly reviewed as a research article, which it is not).
- 57. O.B., Anna Kalogirou, Wout Zweers 2019:
From bore-soliton-splash to
a new wave-to-wire wave-energy model. Online
Water Waves Vol 1, issue 2, 217-258. 10.1007/s42286-019-00022-9 1st submission in Eartharxiv.
- 56. O.B., Mark Kelmanson, Tom Kent, Giullaume Piton, Jean-Marc Tacnet 2019:
- Communicating (nature-based) solutions using flood-excess volume for three UK and French river floods.
- Online River Research and Applications 35, 1402-1414. (Rejected directly by Proc. Roy Soc. A. in 2018)
- 55. Salwa, Bokhove, Kelmanson 2017:
- Variational modelling of wave-structure interactions with an offshore wind-turbine mast.
J. Eng. Maths. Firedrake: numerics demo available
- 54. Tom Kent, O.B., Steve Tobias 2017:
- A modified shallow water model for investigating convective-scale data assimilation.
Tellus A DOI. GitHub: numerical model available
- 53. Floriane Gidel, O.B., Anna Kalogirou 2017:
- Variational modelling of extreme waves through oblique interaction of solitary waves. Nonlinear Processes in Geophys. 24, 43-60.
Firedrake: numerics demo.
Zenodo: numerics all simulations.
- 52. Sander van Oers, Leo Maas, O.B. 2017:
- Hamiltonian discontinuous Galerkin
Finite Element Method for Internal Gravity Waves
J. Comp. Phys. 330, 770-793
- 51. A. Kalogirou, E.E. Moulopoulou, O.B. 2016:
- Variational finite element method for Waves in a Hele-Shaw Tank. Appl. Math. Modelling.
doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2016.02.036
- 50. E. Gagarina, V.R. Ambati, S. Nurijanyan, J.J.W. van der Vegt and O.B. 2016:
On variational and symplectic time integrators for Hamiltonian systems.
J. Comp. Phys. 306, 370-389. DOI (Ch. 3 of Gagarina's PhD Thesis with test from Ch. 4).
- 49. O.B. and Anna Kalogirou 2016:
Variational Water Wave Modelling: from Continuum to Experiment.
Lecture Notes on the Theory of Water Waves, Edited by: Bridges, Groves and Nicholls, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 426, 226-259 (including simulation of soliton splash w. Benney-Luke system).
Firedrake: numerics demo.
GitHub: numerics all simulations.
- 48. A. Thornton, Bram van der Horn, Elena Gagarina, Devaraj van der Meer, Wout Zweers, O.B. 2014:
Hele-Shaw Beach Creation by Breaking Waves. Env. Fluid Dyn. 14, 1123-1145. DOI
- 48a. Onno Bokhove, Bram van der Horn, Devaraj van der Meer, Anthony Thornton, Wout Zweers 2014:
On wave-driven ``shingle'' beach dynamics in a table-top Hele-Shaw cell.
Proc. Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering, Seoul, 2014. 15 pp.
- (Preprint available upon request, including a section on building the Hele-Shaw cell.)
- 47. W. Kristina, O.B. and B. van Groesen 2014:
Effective coastal boundary conditions for tsunami wave run-up over sloping bathymetry.
Nonl. Proc. Geophys. 21, 987-1005.
- 46. E. Gagarina, V.R. Ambati, J van der Vegt and O.B. 2014:
Variational space-time DGFEM for nonlinear free surface waves. J. Comp Phys. 275, 459-483.
Download DOI
[Note that version in this link is incorrect: incorrect eprint; mistake VdV, corrected by Ambati, Gagarina & Bokhove; I had asked this version to be removed; version does not have my permission to be online. The swapping of the integral boundaries in (17) is incorrect for moving boundaries and the evaluation in (21) is dubious.
Using the original 2011-2012 derivations (draft 2011 one here) that had led to the working codes, this was all corrected in the revision; discussion about it was categorically refused and dismissed Trumpian-style as "an opinion"; I had taken Dr Ambati's doubts, which triggered the corrections in the revision, seriously. I thought I could refute them but they turned out to be correct, signalling mistakes. Dutch funding agency NWO does not care about fixing mistakes: they declared this first-year integral swapping mistake
to be very difficult, frontier science in order to avoid declaring it a mistake that needed fixing. Dutch science for you.]
- 45. D. Tunuguntla, O.B., A. Thornton 2014:
A mixture theory for size and density segregation
in shallow granular free-surface flows.
J. Fluid Mech. 749.
- 44. S. Nurijanyan, O.B. and L.R.M. Maas 2013:
Inertial waves in a cuboid. Note on series solutions.
Phys. Fluids 25 126601
eprint &
Download DOI
- 43. E. Gagarina, J.J.W. van der Vegt and O.B. 2013:
Horizontal Circulation and Jumps in Hamiltonian Water Wave Model.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 20, 483-500.
& eprint
- 42. S. Nurijanyan, J.J.W. van der Vegt, O.B. 2013:
- Hamiltonian DGFEM for rotating linear incompressible Euler equations: inertial waves -download eprint.
J. Comp. Phys. 241, 502-525.
Download paper/DOI
- 41. Thornton, Weinhart, Luding, O.B. 2012:
Frictional dependence of shallow granular flows from particle simulations.
- Eur. Phys. J. 35, 127. eprints. Level 2/3.
- 40. Thornton, Weinhart, Luding, O.B. 2012:
Modelling of particle size segregation: calibration using the discrete particle method.
- Int. J. Mod. Phys. C. 23, 1240014. eprints Level 2.
- 39. Weinhart, Thornton, Luding, O.B. 2012:
- From granular particles to continuum fields near a bounday.
Special Issue. Granular Matter 14, 289-294.
Level 4 paper but was scaled down to level 3?
Mind you, all these 4 granular papers have high citations even though only 1 is level 4 imo.
- 38. Weinhart, Thornton, Luding, O.B. 2012:
Closure relations for shallow granular flows from particle simulations.
Granular Matter 14, 531-552. eprints.Level 3.
- 37. O.B., Elena Gagarina, Wout Zweers, Anthony Thornton 2011: Bore Soliton Splash -van spektakel tot oceaangolf?
- Ned. Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde. Popular science version
in Dutch. 77/12, 446-450
- 36. Sollie, Van der Vegt and Bokhove 2011:
- Space-time discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for two-fluid flows. J. Comp. Physics 230, 789-817.
- 35. C. Cotter and O. Bokhove 2010:
- Water wave model with accurate dispersion and vertical vorticity.
Peregrine Commemorative Issue J. Eng. Maths. 67, 33-54.
Download eprint &
- 34. O. Bokhove and Marcel Oliver 2009:
- Hamiltonian N layer model for atmospheric dynamics. (memo 2008) Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 103(6), 423-442. Download DOI
- 33. Onno Bokhove and Vijaya R. Ambati 2009:
Hybrid Rossby-shelf modes in a laboratory ocean. J. Phys. Ocean. 39(10), 2523-2542.
- Part of special collection in honour of Joe Pedlosky's 70th birthday in 2008.
- Hybrid Rossby-shelf modes simulation with discontinuous Galerkin FEM:
potential vorticity "omega" and streamfunction Psi
- Laboratory visualizations: Hybrid Rossby-shelf mode travelling through a cylindrical laboratory ocean
- 32. Sander Rhebergen, Onno Bokhove, and Jaap van der Vegt, 2009:
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for shallow two-phase flows.
CMAME 198, 819-830.
- 31. Ben Akers and Onno Bokhove, 2008:
Hydraulic flow through a contraction: multiple steady states.
Phys. Fluids. 20, 056601.
- Movie (Akers & B. '05): multiple steady states
in horizontal channel; pink water; bird's eye view.
- Movie (Akers & B. '07): reservoir state.
- 30. Y. Xu, J.J.W. van der Vegt, and O. Bokhove, 2008:
- Discontinuous Hamiltonian Finite Element Method for a Bilinear Poisson Bracket.
J. Sci. Comput. 35, 242-265.
Link to journal.
Based on a Finite Volume exercise vi of Bokhove in the course (2005) numerical techniques for PDE's.
Simple exercise led to thesis Shavarsh Nurijanyan, papers in 2013 & 2017 and Will Booker's work.
Example of Leeds' research-led teaching.
- 29. P. Tassi, S. Rhebergen, C. Vionnet, and O. Bokhove, 2008:
- A discontinuous Galerkin finite element model for bed evolution
under shallow flows. Comp. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng.
197, 2930-2947.
- 28. Sander Rhebergen, Onno Bokhove, and Jaap van der Vegt, 2008:
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for hyperbolic nonconservative
partial differential equations.
J. Comp. Phys. 227, 1887-1922.
Level 4 paper with high citations & leading to JCP 2014, 2016 papers, lecture notes 2016 with Anna Kalogirou,
papers with Floriane Gidel, i.e. my work on DGFEM variational time integrators.
- 27. V.R. Ambati and O. Bokhove, 2007:
- Space-time discontinuous Galerkin discretization of rotating shallow water
. J. Comp. Phys. 225, 1233-1261.
- 26. Van der Vegt, J.J.W., Iszak, F, and Bokhove, O. 2007:
- Error analysis of a continuous-discontinuous Galerkin finite element model
for generalized 2D vorticity dynamics. Siam J. Num. Anal.
45, 1349 eprints.
- 25. Bokhove, O. and P. Lynch 2007:
Air parcel and air particles: Hamiltonian dynamics.
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 5, 100-106.
- (Accessible article for wider scientific audience. Two reviewers including one focussing especially on mathematical content.)
- 24. L. Pesch, A. Bell, W.E.H. Sollie, V.R. Ambati, O. Bokhove and J.J.W. van der
Vegt, 2007:
- hpGEM- A software framework for Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods,
ACM Transactions on Software 33 (4). link.
- 23. A.W. Vreman, M. Al-Tarazi, J.A.M. Kuipers, M. van Sint Annaland, and O. Bokhove 2007:
- Supercritical shallow granular flow through a contraction: experiment, theory and simulation. J. Fluid Mech. 578, 233-269
See: Text Vreman et al.
- 22. P. Tassi, O. Bokhove, and C. Vionnet, 2007:
- Space discontinuous Galerkin method for shallow water flows
-kinetic and HLLC flux, and potential vorticity-generation. Advances in water resources 30, 998-1015.
- 21. V.R. Ambati and O. Bokhove, 2007:
Space-time finite element shallow water flows. J. Comp. Appl. Math.
204 (2), 452-462.
- 20. E. Bernsen, O. Bokhove, and D. van der Sar, 2006:
- Numerical prediction of rose growth.
Acta Horticulturae. 718, 89-96. Full text with appendices.
- 19. Bokhove, O. and Oliver, M. 2006:
Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 462, 2575-2592.
Parcel Eulerian-Lagrangian fluid dynamics for rotating geophysical flows.
Explains parcel view of Hamiltonian dynamics of GFD flows with easiest proof of Jacobi Identity for nontrivial noncanonical Hamiltonian dynamics.
- 18. Bernsen, E., Bokhove, O.and Van der Vegt, J.J.W. 2006:
- A (Dis)Continuous Finite Element Model
for Generalized 2D Vorticity Dynamics. J. Comp. Phys.
212, 719-747. technical appendices. Memo. 1787 Dept. of Applied Math., Univ. of Twente. ISSN 0169-2690.
Based on 2003 MSc thesis of Erik Bernsen &
Novel simulations separatrix dynamics relevant to atmosphere
- 17. Woods, A.W., Bokhove, O., Boer de, A., Hill, B.E. 2006:
Compressible magma flow in a two-dimensional elastic-walled conduit. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 246, 241-250.
- 16. O. Bokhove, 2005:
Hamiltonian restriction of Vlasov equations into two-layer isopycnic and isentropic equations.
Applied Math. Lett. 18, 1418-1425.
- 15. Bokhove, O., Woods, A.W., and Boer de, A. 2005:
Magma Flow through Elastic-Walled Dikes.
- Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 19, 261-286. Simulation Matlab and c-program software for the article.
- 14. O. Bokhove, 2005:
Flooding and drying in finite-element Galerkin discretizations of shallow-water equations.
Part I: One dimension. J. Sci. Comput. 22, 47-82.
- 14b. O. Bokhove, 2004:
Flooding and drying in finite-element discretizations of shallow-water equations. Part II: two dimensions.
Theory of 2D extension.
- 13. O. Bokhove, 2002: Decompressie van magma in opslagtunnels.
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde 68
- (J. of the Dutch Physics Association) 232-235. (English translation with technical appendices:
``Decompression of magma into repository tunnels'',
with A.W. Woods,
Memo. 1654, Math. Comm. 2002 Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Univ. of Twente, ISSN 0169-2690.)
- 12. Andrew W. Woods, Steve Sparks, Onno Bokhove, Anne-Marie Lejeune,
Chuck Connor, and Brittain Hill 2002:
- Modelling magma-drift interaction at the proposed high-level
radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA. Geophys. Res. Lett. 29 10.1029.
Download my most famous paper: level 4 on impact
- 12.b O.B. & A. Woods 1999 J. Geophys. Res.
The decompression of basaltic magma into a sub-surface repository, 18 pp.
Incredible amount of work, but rejected by J. Geophys. Res. because we did not include dynamic
solid or rock mechanics.
- In 2008 and 2011 Wout Zweers, Chuck Connor, Koji Kiyosugi and I did such dynamic fluid-rock aka water-gelation
experiments & modelling (incomplete though), including
a tunnel-breakthrough drilled with a starbucks straw:
- Movie Dike deflects ``magma'' through inclined mine tunnel without nuclear waste
- Movie Dike deflects ``magma'' through mine tunnel without nuclear waste
- Set-up of theory found in IAVCEI presentation
- Movie magma breaking through rock layer, top layer is more stiff;-
in 2011, Wout Zweers and I did some extensions (set-up made in 3 days); view from front, and top & left sides -using three 45 degree mirrors .
- Key issue: nobody did combined modelling & experiment comparison to date
because difficult & multidisciplinary (no funding)?
- Underlying the GRL publications are a series of very extensive consulting reports for the USA Nuclear Regulatory Committee:
- Two-dimensional Magma-Repository Interactions, 14 pp. ISSN 0169-2690.
- Numerical Modeling of Magma-Repository Interactions, 97 pp. ISSN 0169-2690.
All never published but incredible influential for NRC because I thought the reviewers were right.
Bad luck I guess as well as geophysics' politics.
- 11. J. Vanneste and O. Bokhove, 2002:
Dirac-bracket aproach to nearly-geostrophic Hamiltonian balanced models.
Physica D 164, 152-167
- 10. Onno Bokhove, 2002:
Eulerian variational principles for stratified hydrostatic equations. J. Atmos. Sci. 59, 1619-1628.
- 9. Onno Bokhove, 2000: On hydrostatic flows in isentropic coordinates. J. Fluid. Mech.
402, 291-310.
- 8. Onno Bokhove and E.R. Johnson, 1999:
- Hybrid Coastal and Interior Modes for Two-Dimensional Flow in a
Cylindrical Ocean. J. Phys. Ocean. 29, 93-118.
- 7. Onno Bokhove, 1999: Wiskunde in Weerkunde.
- Ned. Tijds. voor Nat. (Meteorology and Mathematics.
Journal of the Dutch Physics Association.), 65, 9-13.
- 6. Onno Bokhove, Jacques Vanneste, and Thomas Warn, 1998:
- Variational Principle for Barotropic Quasi-Geostrophic Flows.
Geophys. Astro. Fluid Dyn. , 88, 67-79.
- 5. Bokhove, O., 1997: Slaving principles, balanced dynamics and the Boussinesq equations. J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1662-1674.
- 4. Bokhove, O. , and T. G. Shepherd, 1996: On Hamiltonian balanced dynamics and the slowest invariant manifold. J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 276-297.
- 3. Warn, T., O. Bokhove, T. G. Shepherd, and G. K. Vallis, 1995:
- Rossby-number expansions, slaving principles and balance dynamics. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.,
121, 723-739.
- 2. Bokhove, O. , C. Bruin, and A. Compagner, 1994:
- Ensemble properties and molecular dynamics of unstable systems J. Stat. Phys., 74, 55-73.
- 1. A. Compagner, C. Bruin, O. Bokhove, 1991:
Molecular dynamics of unstable systems. Int. J. of Modern Physics
C2, 300-304.
- Woods, A.W., S. Sparks, O. Bokhove, A.M. Lejeune, C. Connor, and B. Hill, 1999:
On the motion of magma following the intersection of a dike with a horizontal subsurface tunnel,
Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 80(46): F1187.
- O.B. and Valerie Zwart, 2010: Fluid Fascinations. Qua Art Qua Science brochure, pp. 6. Pdf posted soon. Booklet available upon request till out of stock.
- O.B., Vladimir Molchanov, Marcel Oliver and Bob Peeters 2013:
- On the rate of convergence of the Hamiltonian particle-mesh method.
In: Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VI (M. Griebel and M.A. Schweitzer, eds.),
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Vol. 89, Springer, Berlin, 25-43.
Publications & projects of (former) researchers & such
- S. Legg and K.M.H. Huijts, 2006:
Preliminary simulations of internal waves and mixing generated by finite
amplitude tidal flow over isolated topography. Deep Sea Research, part II. 53, 140-156.
Based on practical work Karin Huijts (M.Sc.) at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution during;
Dr. Bokhove strongly stimulated this summer student fellowship with Dr. Legg. 108 citations.
No acknowledgments of my role, including all proofreading of interim reports.
- V.R. Ambati and co-authors 2012:
Port-Hamiltonian discretization for Open Channel Flows. Systems and Control Letters.
- Gave advice on time integration and numerical fluxes. Fully and properly acknowledged!
- T. Weinhart, R Hartkamp, AR Thornton, S Luding, Physics of fluids, 2013:
Coarse-grained local and objective continuum description of three-dimensional granular flows down an inclined surface.
66 citation google scholar;
uses data from and was part of the same research project as my four 2012 granular flow papers.
I declined co-authorship, which was accepted with the speed of light,
because I could not satisfy (we were moving) the proofreading rule in:
Springers rules.
No acknowledgements of my contributions (arranged funding & data of 4 of my other papers are used).
[Mind you nobody is enforcing these rules or codes of conducts, as Springer openly can confirm.
Imo such codes of conducts and rules are false advertising.]
- Mercury MD Discrete Element Model by Thornton and Weinhart (2009-2011)
would not have been build without me stimulating it ab initio, financially
via substantial funds (for a Gran Canaria retreat [2011?] from two of my STW projects (on water waves and granular flow),
and against the wishes of some. The prject florished.
No acknowledgments of my contributions.
- O.B. & A. Woods 1999 J. Geophys. Res. Rejected.
The decompression of basaltic magma into a sub-surface repository, 18 pp.
Incredible amount of work, but rejected by J. Geophys. Res. because we did not include dynamic solid or rock mechanics.
This is the foundation for our Letter my publication no. 12 so while the letter was accepted the founding work was not;
it was of course accepted and heavily scrutinized/reviewed by the USA Nuclear Regulatory Committee.
It is an example of rejected applied mathematics with consequentially no citations that had a big influence on policy.
- Cabaneros, Hewitt et al. 2018: JBA Trust Challenge:
- A Risk-based Analysis of
Small Scale, Distributed, Nature-based Flood Risk Management Measures Deployed on River Networks.
Study group report Environmental Industry group April 3-6, Cambridge.
Full proper acknowledgments of my role:
arranging the problem via JBA Trust and formulation the academic & mathematical modelling questions;
thank you for acknowledging my role (because this has become unusual in academia).
- Cheng B, Cullen M, Esler J, Norbury J, Turner M, Vanneste J, Cheng J 2017:
- A model for moist convection in an ascending atmospheric column. Quarterly Jo. Royal Meteorological Society 143, 2925-2939. Full and proper acknowledgment of Maths Foresees.
Based on study group report, see also archive Sept. 2015: Bokhove O, Cheng B, Dedner A, Esler JG, Norbury J, Turner MR, Vanneste J, Cullen MJP. 2016:
Convection in a single column –Modelling, algorithm and analysis. In Environmental Modelling in Industry Study Group, 21–24 Sept 2015, Cambridge, UK.
Due to being the organiser of the study group, meaning I did not attend the group for 60% of the time,
I felt my contributions were too minor to warrant co-authorship.
SUBMITTED/In Preparation
- Blundell, Furze, Hughes, Bokhove, Borman, Hankin, Lamb, Ross, Trigg 2023/24: Impact of uncertainty and reporting on wet canopy evaporation. In preparation.
- 64. Oers, Maas, O.B. 2022-2025:
- Hamiltonian Dynamics of Inertio-Gravity Waves. Under revision for resubmisison J. Fluid Mech.
- 65. Yang Lu, Floriane Gidel, Junho Choi, O.B., Mark Kelmanson, 2025:
Variational numerical-modelling strategies for the simulation of driven free-surface waves.
GitHub tests
Variational and numerical modelling strategies for cost-effective simulations of driven free-surface waves.
- Under revision for resubmission to JCP or GMD?
EarthArxiv-ed preprint
- 66. T. Kent, L. Cantarello. G. Inverarity, S. Tobias, O.B. 2020-2022:
- Idealized forecast-assimilation experiments for convective-scale Numerical Weather Prediction. Archived EarthArxiv Submitted to Geoscientfic Model Development (online open discussion) with GitHub site and Zenodo for version management.
- 67. Yang Lu, Floriane Gidel, Mark Kelmanson, O.B. 2022:
- Variational and numerical water-wave and surf-zone hydrodynamics.
Readied for submission to Water Waves.
- 68. Yang Lu, Floriane Gidel, T. Bunnik. G. Kapsenberg, Mark Kelmanson, O.B. 2022:
Wave-beach interaction in an experiment and numerical wave tank. OMAE 2019 abstract & in preparation for J. Fluid Mech.
- 69. O.B. and Anna Kalogirou 2020-2022: On variational wave-ship interactions, with a finite-element wave-buoy example. For J. Fluid Mech.
- 70. Tom Kent, O.B. 2019-022:
- Ensuring 'well-balanced' shallow water flows via a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method: issues at lowest order.
Arxiv. To be submitted.
- 71. O.B., Mark Kelmanson, Tom Kent 2018c:
- Using flood-excess volume in flood mitigation to show that upscaling beaver dams for protection against extreme floods proves unrealistic. Archived Earth-arxiv
- W. Kristina, B. van Groesen, and O.B. 2012-2015:
Effective Coastal Boundary Conditions for Dispersive Tsunami Propagation.
Rejected Theor. Comput. Fluid Dynamics. 20 pp. Submitted July 2012 (review lasted one year; eprint downloaded over 500x so some people are profiting here).
Please refer to Chapter 2 of Kristina's PhD Thesis.
- Paul Allen, Caroline Shields, Fryderyk Wilczynski, O.B. Chris Jones, Michael Fairweather 2017:
Optimisation of nozzle port angle in bubbly flows. Subm. & rejected 28-03 Metallurgical and Materials Trans. B.
- Tunuguntla et al. 2016-2019:
- Granular flows in inclined channels with a linear contraction. Stalled. Related chapter published in PhD thesis without acknowledgement/permission of my input, which was known by the PhD committee (chair).
Chapters and selected contributions in books
- 1. Bokhove, O. and A. Compagner, 1990: One-dimensional collapse.
In: Computational Physics and Cellular Automata (A. Pires, D. P Landau and H. Herrmann, eds.), World Scientific, Singapore, 179-182.
- 2. Onno Bokhove, 2002:
Balanced models in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Hamiltonian formulation, constraints and formal stability.
CUP-online excerpt
(old draft online) Chapter 1, 63 pp., in
``Large-Scale Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics 2, geometric Methods and Models''. Editted by J. Norbury and I. Roulstone,
Cambridge University Press. 364 pp, ISBN: 0521807573.
- 3. O. Bokhove, and D. Wirosoetisno, 2004: Drying and wetting in finite element shallow-water flows
In: Shallow Flows
Research presented at the International Symposium on Shallow Flows, Delft, Netherlands, 2003
Eds. Gerhard H. Jirka and Wim S. J. Uijttewaal, Balkema Publishers. ISBN: 9058097005, 601-608.
- 4. O. Bokhove, 2005:
Wave-vortex interactions in the atmosphere, and climate prediction. (Preprint.)
Official version Proceedings of the ICTAM04 Conference in Warsaw, Poland,
Publisher: IPPT PAN, Warsaw 2004, ISBN: 83-89687-01-1, Eds. Witold Gutkowski and Tomasz Kowalewski, 103-116.
- 5. O. Bokhove and A.R. Thornton 2012: Shallow granular flows. Chapter in Handbook of Environmental Fluid Dynamics.
Editor: Joe Fernando; Taylor and Francis.
- Bokhove, O., 1990: Veeldeeltjessystemen met Vereenvoudigde Gravitatiepotentialen.
(Many-particle systems with simplified gravitational potentials.), M.Sc. Thesis.
Delft University of Technology, 77 pp.
- Bokhove, O., 1996: On balanced models in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics:
slowest invariant manifolds, slaving principles, and Hamiltonian Structure:
Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Toronto, 186 pp.

Veluwe Rally 100km River IJssel: 7:07 (2:58) 2007 [6:55 (3:00) 2006 (7hrs 6min
(3:00) 2005; 7hrs 21min, 2004; 6hrs 51min in 2002; ~20min=2x10min rest]
- (vi) Profs Bokhove/Tobias NERC DTP PhD Position with UK Met Office, Drs Bell, Inverarity and Migliorini.
- (v) Various open PhD positions in our new EPSRC Fluid Dynamics Centre at Leeds, in collaboration with
HR Wallingford (hydraulic research), EDF France/UK (hydraulics research), Tata Steel (Teesside), MTI Holland (dredging research), Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (Prof. Maas), Chemical Engineering University of Eindhoven (prof. Kuipers), Physics of Fluids Group University of Twente (Prof. Van der Meer).
- (iv) Research Assistant (postdoc), Anna Kalogirou, 2014.
- (ii, iii) EU European Industry Doctorate: two ESRs/PhDs Floriane Gidel/Tomasz Salwa, 2014.
- (i) EPSRC CASE on "Data Assimilation for Idealised Mathematical Models of Weather Prediction"
with the Met. Office. 2013-2016. PhD: Tom Kent.
- 4. B. van Groesen with Onno Bokhove and Andonowati 2007-06-07 Nearshore tsunami modelling and
simulation. NWO ALW. Approved. Ph.D.: Wenny Kristina 2008-2012.
- 3. O. Bokhove and J.J.W. van der Vegt 2007-05-16 A numerical wave tank for complex wave
and current interactions, Proposal to STW, Dutch Engineering council. Approved
Dec. 2007. PhD: Shavarsh Nurijanyan 2009-2012. Postdoc: Vijaya Ambati.
- 2. O. Bokhove and J.J.W. van der Vegt 2008
Compatible mathematical models for coastal hydrodynamics. Awarded.
NWO EW-proposal 15-01-2008. PhD: Elena Gagarina.
- 1. "Polydispersed granular flow through inclined channels -influence of particle characteristics, channel rotation and geometry"
STW/Neth. Eng. Res. Council with users: Corus, Unilever, BASF; four university groups from UT and TUe. PI. Approved 2010. PhD: DT.
My supervision was interrupted because I disagree, cf. multiple ethics codes including the one cited above and below, with submission
of manuscripts to journals or archives before all co-authors have been asked for and have given consent.
This concerned: (I) 1 JFM submission published in 2014 (in which I had to intervene through the editor to fix several mistakes
including 1 big simulation error) and II) 1 archive submission (in which 2 of the 4 co-authors have never been asked for approval).
I had written the STW proposal in 2007-2008 after a successful and nice collaboration with Prof Hans Kuipers (TUe) in 2006-2010.
My (informal) requests for moderation were dismissed and/or ignored (at both provincial and national levels).
The conclusion is that ethics' codes exist only for show, not for content.
Proceedings (unrefereed)
Bokhove, O., 1993: On Hamiltonian balanced models. In: Ninth A. M. S.
Conference Proceedings on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability
Bokhove, O., T. Warn, T. G. Shepherd, and G. K. Vallis, 1995: Rossby-number
Expansions, slaving principles, and balance dynamics. In: Tenth A.M. S
Conference Proceedings on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability. 268-269.
O. Bokhove and E.R. Johnson, 1997:
On hybrid beta-plane Rossby and topographic shelf modes.
In: Eleventh A.M.S.
Conference Proceedings on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics. 206-207.
D.H. Peregrine and O. Bokhove, 1998:
Vorticity and surf zone currents. In: 26th International
Conference on Coastal Engineering, Reston ASCE, Copenhagen. 745-758,
Ed. Billy. L. Edge, ISBN: 0-7844-0411-9.
O. Bokhove, 1999:
Forced-dissipative response for coupled planetary Rossby and
topographic shelf modes in homogeneous, cylindrical oceans.
In: Twelfth A.M.S.
Conference Proceedings on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics.
O. Bokhove and D.H. Peregrine, 1999:
The generation of longshore currents and
eddies by breaking waves
in the surf zone.
In: Twelfth A.M.S.
Conference Proceedings
on Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid Dynamics.
O. Bokhove, M.D. Patterson, and D.H. Peregrine, 2000:
Breaking shallow water wave simulations in
the surf and swash zone. In: 27th International
Conference on Coastal Engineering, Reston ASCE, Sydney,
Ed. Billy L. Edge, ISBN: 0-7844-0549-2.
Jan Bouwe van den Berg, Onno Bokhove, Mark Peletier, JF Williams,
and Hans Zwart, 2001:
Thermal modeling in polymer extrusion.
Refereed Proceedings of the 39th European Study Group
with Industry at the University of Twente.
Eds. B.W. van de Fliert and G. Meinsma. 57-67, ISBN 90 423 0132 5.
Bokhove, O., Getto, P.H., 't Hof, B. van, Dubbeldam, J., Ovenden, N., Pik, D., Prokert, G.,
Rottschafer, V., and Sar van der, D.M., 2002:
Roses are unselfish: a greenhouse growth model to predict harvest rates.
Refereed Proceedings of the 42nd European Study Group with
Industry at the University of Amsterdam, 59-76.
O. Bokhove, and D. Wirosoetisno, 2003:
Drying and wetting in finite element shallow-water flows
In: International Symposium on Shallow Flows
June 16-18 2003, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands ,
Ed. Gerhard H. Jirka and Wim S. J. Uijttewaal, 153-160.
Bernsen, E., Bokhove, O., and J.J.W. van der Vegt 2006:
A (dis)continuous finite element model for
generalized 2D vorticity dynamics. Eccomas paper.
European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Bokhove, O. (joint work with Marcel Oliver) 2006:
Spherical Hamiltonian 2-layer model for atmospheric dynamics.
In: Mathematical Theory and Modelling in Atmosphere-Ocean Science.
Mathematisches Forschungs Institut Oberwolfach, Eds: Buhler, Majda, Klein,
Oberwolfach Reports 3 (3) 2369-2372.
A. Stoorvogel et al. 2008:
Math Fights Flooding Proceedings Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2008, also co-editor.
Reports and Memoranda
W.E.H. Sollie, J.J.W. van der Vegt, and O. Bokhove 2006:
A space discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for two-fluids problems. Part I: Theory.
Part II. Verification. See eprints. Memo.
O. Bokhove 2007:
Constrained 1.5-Layer Model for Troposphere-Stratosphere dynamics.
with an appendix ``Slaved Hamiltonian dynamics'' by O. Bokhove and T.G. Shepherd. 21 pp. Notes.
O. Bokhove, 2003:
Flooding and drying in finite-element discretizations of shallow-water equations.
Part II: two dimensions.
Mathematical Communications 2003 University of Twente 1684, 21 pp.
O. Bokhove, 2003: Flooding and drying in finite-element
discretizations of shallow-water equations.
Mathematical Communications 2003 University of Twente, memorandum 1683.
O. Bokhove, T.G. Shepherd, and D. Wirosoetisno 2003:
Hamiltonian Wave-Vortex and Vortex Models.
Manuscript 12 pp.
O. Bokhove and A.W. Woods, 2002
Decompression of magma into repository tunnels. Memorandum 1654,
The Mathematical Communications
of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Twente, ISSN 0169-2690
Bokhove, O. and Woods, A.W., 2002:
The decompression of basaltic magma into a sub-surface repository, 18 pp.
Memorandum 1616 in The Mathematical Communications 2002
of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Twente, ISSN 0169-2690.
Andrew W. Woods, Steve Sparks, Onno Bokhove, Anne-Marie Lejeune,
Chuck Connor, and Brittain Hill 2001:
Modelling the explosive eruption of basaltic magma into
the proposed high level radioactive waste repository
at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Refereed report for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 18 pp
Interim Milestone IM 20.01402.461.115,
Onno Bokhove, 2001:
Two-dimensional Magma-Repository Interactions, 14 pp.
Memorandum 1609 in The Mathematical Communications 2001
of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Twente, ISSN 0169-2690.
Onno Bokhove, 2001:
Numerical Modeling of Magma-Repository Interactions, 97 pp.
Memorandum 1610
in The Mathematical Communications 2001
of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Twente, ISSN 0169-2690.
Bokhove, O. and Woods, A.W., 2000:
Explosive Magma-Air Interactions by Volatile-Rich Basaltic Melts in a Dike-Drift Geometry.
Refereed report prepared for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington U.S.A., 55 pp,
Interim mile stone IM 1402.461.040,
In all my papers I (try to) follow the ethics of a journal such as Physics of Fluids, say.
"When an error is discovered in a published work, it is the obligation of all authors to promptly retract the paper or correct the results." and
"All coauthors have an obligation to provide prompt retractions or correction of errors in published works. Any individual unwilling or unable to accept appropriate responsibility for a paper should not be a coauthor."
Some reflections on disingeneous behaviour in science are found here: Hypocratie van alternatieve en voldongen feiten ...
(google translate is reasonable except for some subtle errors/word variations) and here on Scrofulous behaviour.
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Email: O.Bokhove TE